Transforming Your Smile with Dental Implants


Dental implants are innovative solutions for replacing missing teeth, designed to closely mimic the natural tooth structure. They consist of a titanium post that acts as a tooth root, a connector (abutment), and a crown resembling the tooth’s visible part. Unlike dentures, which can be removed, dental implants are permanent fixtures that integrate with the jawbone, providing stability and support for daily activities like eating and speaking. This integration process, known as osseointegration, ensures that the implants function like natural teeth, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits.

The role of a periodontist in implant dentistry is crucial. Periodontists are dental specialists who focus on the structures surrounding and supporting the teeth, including gums and bones. Their expertise is vital in evaluating the health of the jawbone and gums to ensure they are suitable for implant placement. Dr. Ben Yaghmai, a renowned periodontist, emphasizes the importance of personalized care and thorough evaluation before proceeding with dental implants to ensure each patient’s unique needs are met for optimal outcomes.

The Life Expectancy of Dental Implants

Several factors contribute to the longevity of dental implants, making them a durable option for tooth replacement. Good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, are fundamental. Additionally, lifestyle choices like avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption significantly impact the lifespan of dental implants. Regular dental check-ups allow for early detection and management of potential issues, enhancing the durability of the implants. Dr. Ben Yaghmai advises his patients to maintain a healthy oral environment to maximize the benefits of their dental implants.

On average, dental implants can last between 15 to 25 years or more, depending on various factors. Individual health conditions, such as diabetes or osteoporosis, can influence the longevity of implants. The location of the implant also plays a role; implants placed at the back of the mouth endure more stress from chewing and may have a slightly shorter lifespan than those at the front. Nonetheless, with proper care and maintenance, many patients enjoy the benefits of their dental implants for decades, experiencing improved oral health and quality of life.

Busting Common Myths about Dental Implant Longevity

Several misconceptions about the longevity of dental implants often cause unnecessary concern. One common myth is that dental implants are prone to decay. Unlike natural teeth, implants are made of titanium and ceramic materials that do not decay. However, the surrounding gum tissue and bone still require care to prevent periodontal disease, which can affect implant stability. Dr. Ben Yaghmai highlights the importance of maintaining gum health through regular dental visits and oral hygiene practices.

Another prevalent myth is that dental implants can last a lifetime without issues. While implants are designed to be long-lasting, their success and longevity depend on various factors, including patient health, oral hygiene, and lifestyle choices. It is essential to understand that implants, like any medical procedure, require proper care and attention. By debunking these myths, Dr. Ben Yaghmai aims to provide his patients with realistic expectations and the knowledge to ensure the longevity of their dental implants.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Dental Implants

Extending the lifespan of dental implants involves a combination of good oral hygiene practices and regular dental care. Brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing daily helps remove plaque and prevent gum disease, which can compromise the stability of implants. Using antimicrobial mouthwash can also aid in maintaining a healthy oral environment. Dr. Ben Yaghmai recommends that his patients follow a consistent oral hygiene routine to protect their dental implants and overall oral health.

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for the long-term success of dental implants. During these visits, Dr. Ben Yaghmai and his team can monitor the condition of the implants, gums, and surrounding bone, addressing any issues early on. Professional dental cleanings assist in removing plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria, reducing the risk of gum disease and ensuring the implants remain in optimal condition. By adhering to these maintenance tips, patients can enjoy the benefits of their dental implants for many years.

Sulfur Smell in Tooth Decay


A decaying tooth can produce some of the most unpleasant odors known, often surprising individuals with its strong, repulsive smell. But what exactly causes this offensive odor from a rotten tooth? Understanding the science behind tooth decay sheds light on this phenomenon.

Tooth decay begins when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on the teeth. These bacteria break down the sugars and starches in our food, creating acids that gradually wear away the tooth enamel. This erosion leads to tiny holes that allow more bacteria to enter. As decay progresses, it can penetrate the deeper layers of the tooth, which contain blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. Once the infection reaches these inner layers, the tooth may ultimately die and emit a foul odor.

What triggers the foul smell of a rotten tooth? Several factors contribute to the unpleasant odor associated with severe tooth decay:

  1. Decaying Tooth Structure: As decay progresses, the tooth’s pulp tissue can die, decomposing and releasing sulfur-containing gases akin to the smell of rotting meat. This breakdown, fueled by sulfate-reducing bacteria, thrives in the low oxygen conditions within the tooth, generating hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide.
  2. Bacterial Activity: The mouth hosts numerous bacterial species, some pathogenic, contributing to dental issues like caries and periodontal disease. Anaerobic bacteria, flourishing in decayed teeth, metabolize dead tissue and emit malodorous metabolic byproducts. Species like Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola produce sulfur compounds, while Fusobacterium nucleatum generates butyric acid.
  3. Food Particle Breakdown: Decayed teeth create deep crevices that ensnare food debris, allowing carbohydrates to ferment due to bacterial action. This fermentation process produces volatile sulfur compounds, foul-smelling acids, alcohols, and amines. The presence of tongue debris, saliva, and inflammation products further intensifies microbial putrefaction.
  4. Infection Drainage: Advanced decay with an exposed root canal can leak pus and fluid, contributing to bad taste and odor. Dead pulp tissue becomes a bacterial breeding ground, forming an infection and fistula tract. This tract discharges a mix of dead cells, food remnants, toxins, and microbes, intensifying the odor and potentially causing severe halitosis.


Understanding these contributors can help in addressing the underlying issues and treating the decay effectively to eliminate the odor and restore oral health.

The Impact of a Rotten Tooth Smell

Foul odors emanating from the mouth are a common prompt for people to seek dental care, yet living with the smell of a rotten tooth can have far-reaching social and health consequences:

  • Social Isolation and Emotional Distress: The embarrassment of bad breath can lead to social withdrawal. Individuals with a rotten tooth may avoid close interactions to escape the embarrassment linked to their breath, potentially leading to anxiety, depression, or becoming socially withdrawn.
  • Physical Discomfort and Nutritional Issues: The persistent foul taste and smell from an infected tooth can disrupt sleep and make eating difficult. This discomfort can disturb sleep patterns, causing fatigue and poor nutrition due to reduced food intake, which may lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Risk of Systemic Infection: Without intervention, bacteria and toxins from decayed teeth can infiltrate the bloodstream via infected pulp, potentially spreading throughout the body. This dissemination can lead to severe health issues, including fever, sepsis, arthritis, heart valve infections, and abscesses in various organs.
  • Facial Swelling and Severe Infections: Dental abscesses stemming from tooth decay can induce notable swelling in facial, jaw, and neck regions, along with lymph node involvement. If the infection extends to adjacent areas, it may result in critical conditions like deep neck abscesses or mediastinitis.
  • Tooth Loss and Associated Challenges: Progressed dental decay weakens teeth, heightening susceptibility to fractures. Substantial structural loss often necessitates tooth removal, presenting difficulties in nutrition, speech, bite alignment, and facial appearance.

In essence, the putrid odor emanating from a decaying tooth serves as a crucial indicator of underlying disease demanding prompt dental intervention. Failure to address the issue promptly can lead to further deterioration, excruciating discomfort, and the potential for severe, even life-threatening complications.

Diagnosing a Rotten Tooth: Methods Used by Dentists

Dentists employ various techniques to accurately diagnose a rotten tooth that may be causing bad breath. Here’s how they do it:

  • Visual Exam: Dentists begin with a thorough visual inspection of the teeth, gums, and other oral tissues. They look for signs of decay such as holes, fractures, darkening, or structural breakdown, which help pinpoint the affected tooth. Visible signs of advanced caries may include fistulas and noticeable drainage.
  • Palpation: Dentists utilize a periodontal probe to assess tenderness, bleeding, or purulent discharge around tooth roots, indicating infection.
  • X-rays and Imaging: Intraoral x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs are crucial for revealing cavities and abscesses that are not visible to the naked eye, located deep within the teeth or jawbone. These images are vital for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • Percussion Test: Dentists may tap on the teeth with a dental instrument to test for pain or discomfort. Increased sensitivity during this percussion test often signals inflammation or infection in the tooth pulp.
  • Mobility Testing: Using metallic instruments to wiggle the teeth helps assess their stability. Increased looseness or mobility usually results from bone loss associated with infection and helps identify teeth that are problematic.
  • Pulp Vitality Testing: This test assesses the health of the pulp nerves using methods such as electric pulp testing and temperature responsiveness (cold and heat). A lack of response can indicate pulp necrosis.
  • Periodontal Probing: This involves measuring the pocket depths around the teeth. Deeper pockets may suggest bone loss due to infection.
  • Microbiological Studies: Analyzing plaque samples under a microscope or through anaerobic cultures helps identify specific pathogenic bacteria responsible for tooth decay.
  • Salivary Diagnostics: Testing saliva for various factors like pH levels, protein content, or biomarkers that are indicative of periodontal disease.
  • Halitosis Measurement: Objective measurement of breath using devices like gas chromatography or OralChroma helps quantify the presence of volatile sulfur compounds, which are often linked to oral diseases.

By integrating findings from the patient’s history, physical examinations, imaging, and lab tests, dentists can accurately diagnose a rotten tooth, understand the underlying causes of the odor, and devise an effective treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Odors

Q: Does a rotten baby tooth smell?
A: Yes, severely decayed baby teeth can emit foul odors due to pulp death and bacterial overgrowth, similar to what happens in permanent teeth. It’s important to seek urgent dental care to address the decay and prevent damage to the developing permanent teeth while maintaining the health of milk teeth until they naturally fall out.

Q: Can I brush or rinse away the rotten tooth smell?
A: While brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash may temporarily mask the odor, they cannot eliminate it. The unpleasant smell originates from the diseased tooth structure and internal infections, so proper dental treatment is necessary to permanently remove the source of the odor. Nevertheless, maintaining excellent oral hygiene can help limit bacterial growth.

Q: Should I take antibiotics for a rotten tooth smell?
A: Antibiotics should not be taken without a dental exam, diagnosis, and a prescription from a dentist. Misusing antibiotics can lead to increased resistance and other complications. Dentists will determine if antibiotic therapy is appropriate for a tooth infection. Although antibiotics might temporarily reduce odor, professional dental treatment is required for a long-term solution.

Q: Does a foul odor from a decaying tooth always indicate the need for extraction?
A: While a foul smell may suggest extraction, it’s not always the only solution. Your Las Vegas Great Smile dentist will assess factors like x-rays, probing, and clinical signs to determine if the tooth can be preserved through procedures like root canals or restorations. However, severely decayed or fractured teeth often require extraction to eradicate infection and associated odors.

Q: Why do wisdom teeth sometimes emit bad odors?
A: Bad odors from wisdom teeth often result from pericoronitis, an infection common when they are partially erupted or impacted. This allows bacteria and debris to accumulate easily around the wisdom teeth. Regular dental check-ups and potential preemptive removal of wisdom teeth can prevent such issues.

Q: Can dentures or implants develop a foul smell?
A: Absolutely, the emergence of malodorous scents can be attributed to conditions like denture stomatitis and peri-implant disease, wherein inflammation and bacterial proliferation occur around dental implant prosthetics, creating an environment conducive to unpleasant odors. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene practices and undergoing regular professional cleanings are essential to prevent these odors.

Invisalign or Braces Weighing All Pros Cons


Choosing between braces and Invisalign for teeth straightening is a significant decision that many of our patients face. As a dentist office in Las Vegas, NV we emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research and engaging in discussions to arrive at a well-informed choice. The optimal orthodontic solution varies among individuals, heavily depending on the specific issues at hand. In some cases, Invisalign might not be the most effective option.

Through this discussion, we aim to unfold the advantages and drawbacks of both Invisalign and traditional braces, providing clarity to aid in your decision-making process. Traditional braces, which may be made from metal and affixed to the front of the teeth, have evolved to include ceramic and lingual (behind the teeth) options. These braces use metal wires and elastic bands attached to brackets to adjust and align your teeth properly.

On the other hand, Invisalign involves employing clear, plastic aligners tailored specifically for each patient through a 3D scan of their mouth. These custom aligners gradually shift the teeth into their desired position.

As your dentist, we’re here to guide you through evaluating the suitability of each option for your unique dental structure and lifestyle, ensuring you embark on the journey towards achieving the smile you’ve always desired.

Choosing between Invisalign and traditional braces involves considering various factors to determine which option best suits your needs. Here, we’ll discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of Invisalign to help inform your decision.

Benefits of Invisalign

advantages-of-invisalignAesthetic Appeal: One of the most significant advantages of Invisalign is its nearly invisible appearance. Adults and teenagers alike appreciate the discretion Invisalign offers, allowing orthodontic treatment without the noticeable presence of metal braces. This feature means less self-consciousness in social situations and photographs.

Dietary Flexibility: Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to eat and drink without the dietary restrictions often associated with traditional braces. This convenience lets you maintain your current eating habits without worry.

Ease of Oral Hygiene: Since you can remove the aligners, continuing your regular brushing and flossing routine is straightforward, helping to maintain oral health throughout your treatment.

Reduced Orthodontic Visits: Invisalign often requires fewer visits to the orthodontist or dentist office compared to traditional braces, as the treatment plan and aligners are prepared in advance. This aspect can be particularly appealing for those with busy schedules.

Comfort: Invisalign aligners are custom-made from smooth plastic and fit snugly over your teeth, reducing the likelihood of irritation inside your mouth, a common issue with metal braces.

Invisalign Disadvantages

Discipline Required: The success of Invisalign treatment depends on wearing the aligners for 20-22 hours daily. Failure to adhere to this can extend treatment time or compromise results.

Management of Aligners: Removing aligners before each meal or drink (other than water) can be cumbersome, especially in public. Proper oral hygiene must be maintained to prevent staining of the aligners and tooth decay.

Cost Factors: Invisalign and braces can be comparably priced, but specific cases may require transitioning to braces for optimal results, potentially increasing overall costs.

Treatment Limitations: Invisalign may not be suitable for more complex orthodontic cases, necessitating a thorough consultation with an orthodontist to determine the best treatment method.

Effectiveness Compared to Braces: While Invisalign offers an aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional braces, it’s not ideal for everyone. Some patients may require attachments to assist with the movement of teeth, making the aligners appear more like clear braces.

Before deciding, consult with a knowledgeable and experienced orthodontist who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation. The right choice depends on various factors, including the complexity of your orthodontic needs, lifestyle preferences, and desired outcomes.

Need for Attachments: To enhance the effectiveness of Invisalign, some patients may require attachments or button-like anchors that help the aligners grip the teeth better. While these attachments are designed to be discreet, they can make the aligners more noticeable, somewhat diminishing the aesthetic advantage of Invisalign over traditional braces.

Making an informed decision between Invisalign and braces involves understanding these factors and discussing your specific needs and lifestyle with a knowledgeable orthodontist. This guidance will help determine the most suitable treatment path for achieving a healthy and beautiful smile.

Pros of Braces

Exploring the benefits of braces, both traditional and the newer lingual options, reveals why they continue to be a popular choice for orthodontic treatment. Here are some advantages braces offer:

Versatility in Treatment: Braces are capable of correcting a wide range of dental and facial irregularities, no matter the complexity. Their use of anchors and an arch wire efficiently moves teeth to their correct positions, making them a highly effective method for achieving an ideal smile.

Optimal Results: When it comes to moving teeth into the exact desired position, braces often outperform Invisalign. The continuous force applied by braces can lead to more precise outcomes in teeth alignment.

treatment-time-invisalignVariety of Options: Today’s orthodontic patients have more choices than ever before. Beyond traditional metal braces, there are lingual (behind the teeth) and ceramic braces, offering less visibility during treatment and providing an aesthetic alternative for those concerned about the appearance of metal braces.

Efficiency in Treatment Time: When comparing the speed of treatment between braces and Invisalign, braces frequently offer a quicker path to achieving your orthodontic goals. This efficiency is especially appealing to those eager to complete their orthodontic journey as swiftly as possible. Additionally, the expertise of a specialist orthodontist can further enhance the speed and effectiveness of treatment.

Disadvantages of Metal Braces

floss-braces-disadvantagesWhile braces are a proven method for achieving straighter teeth, there are several considerations to keep in mind:

Aesthetic Concerns: The visibility of traditional braces can cause some individuals to feel self-conscious, especially in social situations where they might be concerned about their appearance.

Oral Hygiene Challenges: Maintaining oral hygiene becomes more complicated with braces. Inadequate cleaning can lead to plaque accumulation around the brackets, resulting in potential staining and tooth decay. It’s crucial to adhere to your orthodontist’s guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques.


Dietary Restrictions: Wearing braces requires being mindful of your diet. Consuming hard or sticky foods can damage the braces, necessitating repairs before treatment can proceed. Such incidents not only cause inconvenience but can also extend the duration of the treatment.

Frequent Orthodontic Appointments: Treatment with braces involves regular orthodontic visits, typically monthly, to monitor progress and adjust the braces as needed. These check-ups are essential for ensuring your teeth move according to the treatment plan.

It’s important to weigh these factors against the potential benefits of braces. Despite the drawbacks, braces offer a reliable solution for a wide range of orthodontic issues. Regular consultations, although more frequent than with Invisalign, play a critical role in achieving the desired outcomes.

Selecting the ideal orthodontic treatment involves thoughtful deliberation over several key considerations, such as evaluating the benefits and drawbacks that align most closely with your personal lifestyle and dental objectives. Engaging in meaningful conversations and asking pertinent questions to your orthodontist are essential steps towards amassing the detailed information needed to ensure your decision is well-informed and meets your expectations and requirements. For adults considering orthodontic work, advancements in modern braces technology offer a viable path to achieving the smile you’ve always envisioned, making a perfectly aligned smile more attainable and efficient than ever before. If you’re prepared to enhance your smile, arranging a consultation could be the first step towards exploring a range of cutting-edge treatments, with the primary aim of securing a healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile, whether through Invisalign or traditional braces.

Valentine’s Day Candy and Teeth

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As Valentine’s Day approaches, the allure of indulgent sweets becomes irresistible, lurking around every corner. While it’s ideal to forgo these sugary delights for the sake of your oral health, we understand that complete abstinence might not be entirely realistic. Fear not! There are practical steps you can take to ensure your teeth stay healthy amidst the Valentine’s candy craze. Here are five simple strategies to give your teeth the TLC they deserve this Valentine’s Day:

1. Choose Wisely: Not all candies are created equal when it comes to dental health. Opt for chocolates over sticky or hard candies. Sticky treats like taffy or caramels cling to teeth, providing bacteria ample time to wreak havoc. Conversely, chocolates can be consumed quickly, minimizing the exposure of sugars to your enamel and reducing the risk of decay.

2. Mind Your Restorations: If you have dental restorations such as crowns or bridges, exercise caution with your candy choices. Hard candies pose a threat of chipping or cracking these restorations, while chewy treats can potentially dislodge fillings or crowns. Prioritize the preservation of your dental work by opting for gentler confections.

3. Stay Hydrated: Water is your teeth’s best friend, especially on Valentine’s Day. Drinking water not only helps rinse away residual sugars but also strengthens dental enamel with fluoride, shielding your teeth from decay. Make it a habit to reach for water instead of sugary beverages to maintain optimal oral health.

4. Brush Promptly: The moment you finish your candy, reach for your toothbrush. Brushing immediately after indulging helps eliminate sugars before plaque bacteria have a chance to feast on them. By sidestepping this process, you can safeguard your teeth against cavity formation and maintain a radiant smile.

5. Schedule a Check-Up: After indulging in Valentine’s Day sweets, consider booking a dental appointment to restore balance to your oral health. At A Great Smile Dentist in Las Vegas, our expert team offers comprehensive teeth cleanings and cavity treatments to ensure your smile remains radiant and cavity-free.

While indulging in sweet treats on Valentine’s Day poses potential dental issues, it’s an integral part of the holiday, acknowledged by the dental community. Here are a few low-sugar Valentine’s Day treats that maintain both the festive spirit and your dental health. Let’s explore these dentist-approved Valentine’s Day treats that ensure a cavity-free celebration.

Berries and Dark Chocolate

Berries aren’t just a burst of color and flavor; they’re also packed with health benefits, including benefits for your teeth! Arrange them on festive platters or serve them in themed cupcake liners for a delightful Valentine’s Day treat. If you’re craving chocolate, opt for high-cocoa dark chocolate to dip your berries into. Dark chocolate boasts lower sugar content than milk chocolate and offers numerous advantages for both your heart and brain.

Cheese, Crackers, and Bruschetta

Ditching the sugary treats doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor this Valentine’s Day. Instead, opt for a mouthwatering spread featuring cheese cut into charming heart shapes, paired with a selection of crackers or French bread artfully arranged on a decorative platter. For a savory twist, whip up some bruschetta by combining fresh cherry tomatoes, onion, cilantro, garlic, and basil, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and a splash of lemon juice. With low sugar content and the added benefit of calcium from cheese, this delightful platter not only satisfies your taste buds but also promotes optimal dental health.

Delicious Strawberry & Banana Smoothie

If your sweet tooth is calling, answer with a nutritious yet delicious solution: a refreshing smoothie crafted from ripe strawberries and bananas. Enhance its creamy texture with a dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt or a splash of almond milk. Greek yogurt not only adds creaminess but also provides essential protein for future bodily development. After blending to perfection, elevate your smoothie game by topping it off with whole chopped berries, finely grated dark chocolate, and a sprinkle of red and pink accents for a touch of flair. Satisfy your cravings guilt-free with this delightful smoothie option tailored for those with a penchant for sweetness.

This Valentine’s Day, show your teeth some love by incorporating these simple yet effective strategies into your routine. With mindful choices and proactive dental care, you can indulge in sweet treats guilt-free while safeguarding your oral health for the long haul.

Maximizing Your Dental Benefits in 2024


The beginning of a new year is an excellent opportunity to set personal goals and concentrate on your health, particularly dental health, as it is directly influenced by changes in your dental insurance plans at the start of the year. Explore the different facets of dental insurance and learn how to make the most of your dental plans this January.

Every dental plan has its own unique features, but the majority adhere to the standard calendar year cycle. This typically means your dental benefits are bound to a certain timeframe, often resetting on January 1st annually. The start of the year marks a fresh beginning for your dental benefits. January is an ideal month to strategize the utilization of these benefits, including scheduling routine cleanings or any necessary treatments.

For detailed inquiries regarding your specific dental plan, you can typically locate a customer service contact number on the back of your insurance card. Alternatively, feel free to contact our office, and one of our friendly dental receptionists will be glad to assist you. They can also call the insurance company on your behalf if needed.

We Accept a Variety of Dental Insurance Plans

At our practice, A Great Smile Dental in Las Vegas, we understand the importance of hassle-free dental care. That’s why we accept a broad range of dental insurance plans and take care of filing your claims, saving you both time and effort. Our experienced benefit coordinators are here to assist you in maximizing your dental benefits while minimizing your out-of-pocket expenses. We provide clear, upfront information about what your insurance will cover and offer flexible options to manage any remaining balance. Your peace of mind and dental health are our top priorities.

Yearly Coverage Limits

The annual coverage limit is an essential component of your dental insurance plan. It represents the highest sum your dental insurance will pay over a calendar year. This limit is refreshed at the beginning of each new year. If you anticipate needing extensive dental work such as dental crowns, root canals, or cosmetic procedures, January is the perfect time to begin organizing these treatments. Our team is ready to explore your options with you and assist in devising the most effective strategy for your dental care.

Understanding Deductibles and Coverage

Dental plans commonly cover services like professional teeth cleanings and preventative dental care, usually including routine cleanings, oral exams, x-rays, and dental sealants. However, for dental services beyond preventative care, you’ll encounter a deductible. This is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Being aware of this deductible is essential for effectively planning your dental treatments.

Stay In-Network: Choosing dentists who are part of your insurance network is important for maximizing your benefits. In-network providers typically offer services at more affordable rates than out-of-network providers, leading to lower out-of-pocket expenses for you. Additionally, staying in-network often simplifies the claims process, as these providers directly bill your insurance company, reducing paperwork and administrative hassles for you. Moreover, in-network dentists have pre-negotiated rates with insurance companies, ensuring that you receive quality care at a cost that’s aligned with your plan’s coverage limits.

Understand the Fine Print: It’s important to read your policy thoroughly to grasp the exclusions, limitations, and waiting periods. This knowledge is key in preventing unexpected expenses and ensures that you’re fully aware of what your insurance covers and doesn’t cover. Additionally, understanding the fine print can help you make informed decisions about optional treatments or additional coverage needs, and it can guide you in timing major dental procedures effectively. Familiarity with your policy’s details also enables you to effectively advocate for yourself in discussions with both your dentist and insurance provider, ensuring that you receive the maximum benefits available to you.

Family Benefits: If your plan extends coverage to family members, it’s important to make sure that all eligible individuals are utilizing their benefits, particularly for preventive care. This not only helps in maintaining overall dental health for your family but also maximizes the value you get from your dental plan. Additionally, scheduling regular check-ups and cleanings for all family members can help in early detection and treatment of dental issues, potentially saving on more costly treatments down the line. Encouraging a routine of regular dental visits also instills good oral hygiene habits in younger family members, setting a foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.

Kickstart Your Year with a Healthy Smile

As we embark on a new year, understanding and utilizing your dental benefits to their fullest potential is essential for maintaining optimal oral health. By keeping informed about plan renewals, maximizing annual maximums, understanding deductibles, and leveraging covered services, you can ensure that you and your family receive the best dental care possible. Remember, preventive care is key to long-term dental wellness, and early planning for major procedures can save both time and resources. Always choose in-network providers when possible, and don’t hesitate to consult with your dental office for personalized advice. Let’s make 2024 a year of healthy smiles and wise utilization of dental benefits, setting a foundation for years of good oral health.

Exploring the Causes of Tooth Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

hot-cold-teeth-sensitivity Las Vegas

As the winter months settle in, bringing with them the festive cheer of the holiday smiles, the desire to cozy up with a hot beverage like hot cocoa or steaming apple cider becomes irresistible. However, amidst the warmth and comfort, some may find themselves experiencing tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. In such moments, it becomes vital to examine the underlying reasons.

Your teeth are intricate structures, housing countless tiny pores known as tubules and sensitive nerves. This complexity often leads to discomfort when exposed to extreme temperatures, whether you are indulging in an icy drink or flashing a smile in freezing weather.

To navigate this issue effectively, you must learn to distinguish between sensitivity to cold and sensitivity to hot, as they can indicate distinct concerns. While one may be a relatively common occurrence, the other might serve as a warning sign, signaling the need for prompt attention to potential dental problems.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

To understand the causes of tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, it’s important to explore the complex anatomy of tooth structure.

Tooth Crown: The anatomical crown represents the visible part of your teeth above the gumline, distinguished by its white enamel covering.

Tooth Root: Situated below the gumline and embedded in the jawbone, the tooth root constitutes approximately two-thirds of your tooth’s length. Unlike the crown, it lacks the protective enamel layer, making it sensitive.

Enamel: This outermost layer of your tooth, with its hard, white appearance, shields the crown. It’s the part of your tooth you see when you smile, but it terminates at the gum line, leaving the roots exposed. Enamel, while the hardest substance in the human body, can erode over time due to factors like teeth grinding, aggressive brushing, acidic diets, and tooth decay.

Dentin: Comprising the largest portion of your tooth, dentin becomes visible when the roots are exposed. Unlike enamel, dentin has a more yellowish hue and is significantly sensitive to various stimuli and temperature fluctuations. Gum recession often leads to exposed roots and heightened sensitivity.

Cementum: A thin layer covering the dentin, cementum primarily serves as an attachment surface for gum tissues. It offers limited protection to the root beneath and can be easily worn away when gum recession exposes it, particularly through tooth brushing.

Pulp/Nerve: This vital component consists of blood vessels and nervous tissue running through the tooth’s core, extending to the root tip, and ensuring its nourishment and vitality.

Tubules: These minuscule porous openings dot the tooth’s surface and house tiny nerve endings. They are not visible to the naked eye. Certain whitening products can temporarily “open” these tubules, rendering them more susceptible to sensitivity.

So, why do teeth react with discomfort to hot or cold stimuli? As you may surmise, enamel plays a pivotal role in safeguarding teeth against bacteria, acids, sensitivity, and wear. However, when enamel erosion occurs due to factors like tooth decay or aggressive brushing, or when gum tissue recedes, exposing the dentin, it can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Exploring the Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity to Cold and Hot

Tooth Sensitivity to Cold and Hot
To unravel the mysteries behind tooth sensitivity to both cold and hot temperatures, it’s essential to consider a range of potential factors that could be at play. Here are a few common reasons for tooth sensitivity in these scenarios:

Cold Sensitivity

Gum Recession: When your gums recede, they expose the sensitive roots of your teeth, making them susceptible to cold sensations.

Enamel Erosion: Gradual erosion of the protective enamel layer can leave your teeth vulnerable to temperature-related discomfort.
Toothbrush Abrasion: Aggressive brushing habits can wear down enamel and contribute to cold sensitivity.

Teeth Grinding and Clenching (Bruxism): The continuous grinding and clenching of teeth can lead to enamel wear and heightened sensitivity.

Whitening Products: Certain whitening treatments can temporarily increase tooth sensitivity to cold.

Hot Sensitivity

Abscesses: Dental abscesses or infections can cause sensitivity to hot temperatures.

Irreversible Nerve Damage or Tooth Trauma: Severe nerve damage or previous dental trauma can result in sensitivity to hot stimuli.

Deep Cracks in the Tooth: Cracks that extend deep into the tooth can expose the inner nerve, leading to hot sensitivity.

Large Areas of Decay: Extensive decay can affect the tooth’s inner structures, causing hot sensitivity.

Changes to Your Bite: Alterations in your bite alignment can sometimes lead to hot sensitivity as well.

Identifying the precise cause of your tooth sensitivity may require a bit of investigation. A visit to our Las Vegas dentist office can involve a thorough examination of your teeth and gums for visible signs or the use of X-rays to assess the structures around your tooth roots. Since issues like dental abscesses or root cracks may not be evident externally, effective communication about the frequency and intensity of your tooth pain is necessary for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Effective Strategies for Treating Tooth Sensitivity

The approach to treating tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures depends on the specific symptoms and underlying causes. Here are some key considerations for addressing this issue:

Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

Specialized Toothpaste: Tooth sensitivity to cold can often be managed with specially formulated toothpaste designed to alleviate this discomfort.

Desensitizing Treatments: Dentists may recommend desensitizing treatments that can help reduce sensitivity to cold stimuli.

Whitening Products: If you regularly use teeth whitening products and experience sensitivity, reducing their frequency may be necessary.

Gum Recession: If gum recession is the cause of exposed tooth roots, your dentist may suggest treatments such as gum grafting or other periodontal therapies to address the issue.

Tooth Sensitivity to Heat

Dental Evaluation: Heat-related tooth pain should not be self-treated. It’s essential to have the tooth evaluated by a dentist, as it could indicate an infection or nerve damage.

Decay and Nerve Damage: Severe decay or nerve damage can lead to heat sensitivity. In such cases, endodontic therapy, commonly known as a root canal, may be recommended to prevent further damage and potential tooth loss.

When to Seek Dental Care

Monitoring Cold Sensitivity: Occasional sensitivity to cold foods is generally not a cause for concern. However, if you experience repeated cold sensitivity, it’s advisable to consult your dentist promptly for early intervention.

Schedule a Consultation

Come in for a consultation at one of the best family dental practices in Las Vegas.

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Addressing Heat Sensitivity

Heat sensitivity is a more serious concern. If you encounter heat-related tooth sensitivity, it’s imperative to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Delaying treatment for heat sensitivity can allow the underlying issue to progress into a more complex and potentially painful condition.

At A Great Smile Dental, we offer a range of solutions to address your sensitive teeth concerns. Whether you need prescription toothpaste or advanced endodontic therapy, we are here to help you find the best treatment to restore your smile’s comfort. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find relief for your sensitive teeth.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Holiday Smile


Experiencing an unexpected visit to the dentist during the holiday season can be quite a setback, an inconvenience over what should be a joyous and festive time. To ensure the ongoing health of your teeth throughout the holidays and beyond, consider these valuable tips that will not only protect your smile but also allow you to savor the season’s indulgences with confidence and peace of mind. By incorporating these simple yet effective practices into your holiday festivities, you can maintain a radiant smile and prioritize your oral health even amid the tempting array of seasonal treats and drinks.

Avoid Using Your Teeth as Tools

While it may seem obvious, there are moments when impatience or convenience tempts us to use our teeth for tasks they aren’t meant for. For instance, when confronted with a stubbornly sealed package, our first instinct might be to use our teeth as a makeshift tool. However, it’s important resist this urge and opt for a pair of scissors instead. The same principle applies to cracking open nutshells. Although it might save you a few seconds, using your teeth as nutcrackers can lead to a broken tooth and hefty dental expenses.

Teeth serve various essential functions, such as chewing and articulating speech. However, they are not suitable tools for tasks like opening bottles, tearing packages, or cracking nuts. These actions weaken the enamel and the delicate edges of your teeth, ultimately increasing the risk of tooth fractures and breakage, which may necessitate costly cosmetic dental procedures.

Opt for Light-Colored or Clear Drinks

The last thing you want is to wake up on January 1st and notice that your once-white teeth appear stained, especially if you’ve invested in teeth whitening. Red wine and cranberry juice, often present in some cocktails and known for their antioxidant properties, have the potential to cause significant tooth discoloration. This can potentially reverse the effects of teeth whitening treatments with just a few indulgent sips. To maintain the whiteness of your teeth throughout the holiday season, choose beverages that are light in color or clear. This way, you can still be merry without worrying about the appearance of your teeth.

Stay Hydrated with Water

Drinking water offers numerous health benefits, especially during the holiday hustle and bustle. While you’re likely to be out and about and aiming to look and feel your best, water can keep your skin looking refreshed, freshen your breath, aid digestion, and promote elimination. When it comes to your dental health, another advantage of staying hydrated with water is its ability to rinse away newly formed bacteria, helping you maintain cavity-free teeth during this sweet time of year. Keep a water bottle handy or a glass nearby for a quick rinse between indulgences.

Enjoy Cheese Alongside Your Festivities

You don’t have to forgo that cup of eggnog or a celebratory champagne toast during the holidays. However, there are ways to minimize the potential harm to your teeth caused by alcoholic beverages, which are known for their high acid content that can erode protective tooth enamel. To mitigate this acid without compromising on your enjoyment, consider snacking on a piece of cheese in between sips. The alkaline properties in cheese help neutralize the acidity of the beverage, providing you with another reason to linger by the charcuterie board!

Maintain Your Oral Care Routine

The holidays often provide an opportunity to deviate from our usual routines, adding to the specialness of the season. However, it can be challenging to return to normalcy once the decorations are packed away. Whether you’re traveling or at home, make a commitment to stick to your daily oral care regimen. Consistently brushing your teeth twice a day and regular flossing will not only keep your smile ready for photos but also eliminate one less thing to worry about when January arrives, like hitting the gym.

Schedule Your Dental Appointment

Remember, when it comes to oral hygiene, prevention is always better than treatment, no matter the time of year. While it’s wise to stay hydrated with water and avoid excessive sugary snacks, maintaining a year-round dental care routine is the most effective way to safeguard your teeth during this season.

Thinking about scheduling a dental checkup before or after the holiday season? Don’t hesitate to give us a call today to book an appointment and ensure your dental health remains in top shape!

Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before They Expire!


As 2024 approaches rapidly, it’s imperative to visit your Las Vegas Great Smile dentist and make the most of your dental insurance benefits before they expire. We understand that the year’s end can get busy with the allure of seasonal attractions, family gatherings, and holiday events. Nonetheless, neglecting your oral health during this hectic period is ill-advised.

Make sure your paid benefits aren’t wasted. Allow us to assist you in optimizing your dental insurance benefits which will enhance your smile. Let’s explore some useful tips to usher in the new year with a great smile!

Understanding Your Annual Dental Benefits

First and foremost, it’s advantageous to have a comprehensive understanding of your dental insurance plan, including its benefit options and limitations. Regardless of your dental insurance provider, conducting a thorough examination of your plan’s specifics will empower you to make the most of your insurance benefits.

Take a moment to review your dental insurance provider’s Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Pay particular attention to your yearly maximum, which signifies the maximum amount your insurance will contribute to your dental care within either a calendar or fiscal year. Examine and compare their allocated amount with your current utilization of benefits. If there’s still coverage available, it presents an excellent opportunity to set an appointment and utilize your outstanding benefits.

Dental Benefits Left Unused: the Outcome

Regrettably, unused benefits do not rollover into the next calendar or fiscal year. As the new year commences, your insurance benefit limits reset, and your oral health may bear the cost of missed opportunities. The key to maintaining good oral health is to maximize your dental benefits.

Is postponing essential dental procedures such as teeth cleanings and exams, root canals, or crowns an option? While it might seem optional to you, we firmly believe it’s not a favorable one. We understand that not everyone eagerly anticipates such treatments. Furthermore, aside from your plan’s annual maximum, generally most insurance providers stipulate a set limit on the number of dental services allowed each year. If you haven’t exhausted your yearly allotment for root canals, crowns, or implants, it’s worth considering scheduling a dental appointment. Fortunately, most insurance plans cover preventive care, as it is an investment in your overall oral health. Regular check-ups and cleanings are usually well-covered. Staying current on these routine appointments is the most cost-effective use of your insurance, reducing upfront expenses and helping you avoid pricier treatments in the future, such as root canals.

Though reviewing the specifics of your insurance benefits may seem tiresome, the financial benefits are substantial. Regardless of your specific dental needs, our professional and compassionate team can devise a personalized treatment plan that enables you to maximize your insurance benefits while preserving a brilliant smile.

December is a bustling month in our family dentistry office, so don’t miss the opportunity to fully capitalize on your annual dental benefits. Grab your calendar and begin scheduling your dental appointments with us before the year draws to a close!

Boost Your Self-Confidence with Professional Teeth Whitening


Professional Teeth Whitening in Las Vegas NV

When you don’t feel confident about your teeth, it can interfere with all areas of your life. Thankfully, professional teeth whitening is an option for those looking to quickly and effectively brighten their smile. If you are looking for professional teeth whitening in Las Vegas NV, we can help you.

Before we get into details about professional teeth whitening, let’s first review why someone’s teeth might become discolored in the first place.

What causes teeth discoloration? 

Stains that originate on the surface of the tooth (called extrinsic discoloration) are caused by things like cigarettes, chewing tobacco, coffee, tea, red wine, blueberries, beets, and curries. As a general rule, if something can stain a white shirt, it can also cause stains on your teeth. Tooth decay can also lead to some level of discoloration on the surface of a tooth. 

Teeth whitening is only able to address extrinsic discoloration—not intrinsic discoloration, which are stains that come from within the tooth. Intrinsic discoloration has a number of different causes, including dental trauma, certain medical conditions, and genetics. 

How does professional teeth whitening work? 

To begin the process, your dentist will make note of the current shade of your teeth. Your teeth will then be polished to remove plaque and other debris from the surface.

Before applying the whitening solution, your dentist will use gauze, retractors, and barriers to keep your teeth dry and your gums, cheeks, tongue, and lips protected from the solution. When everything is in place, your dentist will apply the whitening solution to the front surface of your teeth. The solution has a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which produces the whitening affect.

Once applied, the solution will be left on your teeth for 30 to 60 minutes. High-intensity light from a specialized lamp or laser device will shine on your teeth during this time to activate the whitening solution. 

When the optimum shade has been achieved (or the maximum time has passed), your teeth will be rinsed. A fluoride solution may be applied to your teeth to help ease any tooth sensitivity, which is a common (but temporary) side effect. 

What are the benefits of professional teeth whitening? 

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatment—and for good reason. This treatment offers many benefits and few, if any, drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the benefits that come with professional teeth whitening. 

  • Provides fast, profound results: The concentration of professional whitening gel is much stronger than what would be included in an at-home whitening kit. As such, results are more significant and visible immediately. 
  • Boosts confidence: If you’re self-conscious about discolored teeth, having them professionally whitened can drastically improve your confidence. No more hiding your teeth when you smile, laugh, or talk! 
  • Uses a safe approach: Having your teeth whitened by a professional is much safer than doing it yourself at home. Unlike at-home systems, in-office whitening takes place under carefully monitored conditions, which allows for a safe process and the best results.  

Professional teeth whitening in Las Vegas, NV

You don’t have to live with stained teeth. Professional teeth whitening can transform your smile from dull and discolored to bright and sparkly white. If you’re interested in teeth whitening in Las Vegas, NV, contact A Great Smile Dental by calling 702-804-5154 or sending us a message online. Dr. Ben Yaghma has extensive experience helping patients restore their smiles with teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry services.

If you’re not in the Las Vegas area, simply type “teeth whitening near me” into your search engine to find a professional closer to you. Take the first step to a brighter, more beautiful smile today! 

Understanding the Process of Getting Dental Veneers


Veneers in Las Vegas NV

Do you ever look at pictures of celebrities and wonder how they have such perfect teeth? While some may be genetically blessed, many have taken advantage of dental veneers. If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your smile, perhaps due to discolored or chipped teeth, it may be time to consider updating your smile with veneers. If you are looking for veneers in Las Vegas NV, we can help you.

What are dental veneers? 

Dental veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells that are permanently affixed to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. While there are different types of dental veneers, we offer porcelain veneers at A Great Smile Dental. Porcelain veneers look and feel natural, are  stain-resistant, and last about 10 to 15 years, or even longer.[*]

Veneers are used to correct several cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Tooth discoloration
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Shape or size irregularities
  • Wear from teeth grinding
  • Gaps between teeth  

Some people may only get one veneer in the case of a broken or chipped tooth, however, many people get multiple veneers to create an even, symmetrical smile. The top front eight teeth are most commonly corrected with veneers.

Veneers can last for over a decade, making them a semi-permanent investment that can drastically improve the appearance of your smile and, consequently, your confidence. 

What does the process of getting veneers entail? 

First, you’ll have a preliminary appointment with your dentist, during which they’ll conduct a thorough exam of your teeth, discuss your esthetic goals, and share the available options. 

If the doctor determines you’re a good candidate for veneers, your next appointment will involve your dentist removing a small amount of enamel from each tooth to create space for the veneers to adhere to. A putty mold of your teeth will then be created and sent to a laboratory where your veneers will be made. Temporary veneers will be prepared and applied to your teeth while you wait for the lab to create the permanent ones. 

A few weeks later, once your dentist receives your veneers, you’ll come back for another appointment to have the veneers applied. Permanently bonding the veneers to your teeth is a quick and easy process. The natural tooth will be cleaned, polished, and etched, and dental cement will be applied. The veneers will then be placed on your teeth and a special light will be used to cure the cement. After excess cement is removed and final adjustments are made, you’ll be ready to go with your new smile in tow!

Dental veneers in Las Vegas, NV

Veneers can drastically improve the appearance of your teeth, giving you a brighter, more even smile. If you’re interested in getting evaluated for dental veneers in the Las Vegas, NV area, contact A Great Smile Dental by calling 702-804-5154 or send us a message online

Dr. Ben Yaghma is dedicated to helping patients restore their smiles with veneers and other cosmetic and general dentistry services in Las Vegas, NV. Don’t spend one more day feeling self-conscious about your smile!